My translation of Rubel’s O Velho e o Mar

O Velho e o Mar

(When you awake inside)

Lança o barco contra o mar
Venha o vento que vier houver
E se virar, nada

Pega a mala que couber
Vira a estrada sem saber
E se perder, calma

Beija a boca da mulher
Tira a roupa sem pedir
E se sorrir, fica

Bebe o copo que encher
Diz pro amigo que é irmão
O que nem tem palavra

Lança o barco contra o mar
Venha o vento que houver
E se puder, voa

(When you awake inside)

The Old Man and the Sea

(When you awake inside)

Set your sails against the sea
Let the winds blow where they may
If your boat turns, tread water

Pack your suitcase, if life fits
Take the road you did not choose
You find or lose, it’s all right

Kiss the woman in the mouth
Lose your clothes, do not ask
And if she smiles, you lie down

Drink whichever glass is filled
Find your brother in your friend
No words to describe it

Set your sails against the sea
Let the winds blow where they may
Spread your wings and take flight

(When you awake inside)

More information about Rubel here or here.

Here’s missing the girl in the taxi. Wish we could have talked more.

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